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Note:Expand content below by clicking on the arrows or the Titles next to them, contract by clicking again. If you are reading this than you figured it out 😉 |
Instructions/ExplanationOverviewI used TRS data (Township Range Section) from historical nest sites to find the corresponding 1/4, and 1/16th sectionsThen I converted these to GPS coord,
To aid in 3D mapping and to increase the odds of actually being in the right place in the woods while searching for Goshawk nests.
I converted township and range using this website-> http://www.earthpoint.us/TownshipsSearchByDescription.aspx Then I saved each corner coordinate into the excel docto split up the section (~600-800 acres) into quarters (150-200 acres) and 1/16ths (to get around 30-50 acres for each search area) assuming 1/16th section data is known… Each Corner Co-ord is inserted into Excel document with formulas Then Each column will calculate 1/4 section (colored backgrounds) and 1/16th section (Corners Each Column, 1/16th section in rows) Make master list with GPS coord’s by pasting nearest known location (1/16th section) Coor-d’s under the “Coords of section” data , to find each Corner and center latitudes have positive values to make the math easier (type in a negative into the gps) Excel may make you paste data as values, right click “123” (pasting 1/16th section coords into excel). I put each coordinate into Google Earth for each site, Center and NW,NE, SW,SE corners Save all points for a site under a folder with the site name, organize by alpha and /or region Then I can export to google maps or GPS —Actually I used google to batch import a google spreadsheet to make a kml file that is saved in google earth as a network link (meaning when I update the spreadsheet on my end it automatically updates for you in google earth).— You can use this website to convert .kml or .kmz into .gpx (Which can then be downloaded into a GPS) Hopefully this will help you to get to the right place at the right time. . . |
CallsCallsHere are some samples of calls I have used: If you have any that you would like to share please contact me. |
MapsGoogle Earth Plugin
TimeSlider:-Drag the right toggle to see specific Date;
-Drag the left toggle to see a range of dates .
(i.e. since the beginning, 5 years apart, etc.) ***To see all sites/dates at once:*** -drag the two toggles as far to the left and right as possible.
This Google Earth plugin only seems to work with Firefox or Chrome. After installing I think you need to restart the browser in order for it to be loaded. Do it, it is worth it. If you only have Internet Explorer I would suggest broadening your horizons or downloading Google Earth and using the .kmz file. You can try using IE and enable compatibility by going to -> Tools-> Compatibility view settings-> Add-> Close.However this screws up all of the nifty collapsing lists I have going on here…
ChangesAny changes or additions, mistakes etc. Especially current additions, updates, or recent visits Please contact |