Yearly Archives: 2017

3DR Solo Magnetic cell phone charger Stuff for amazon echo Switches and light bulbs… Roof rack for truck Falconry stuff is always good Good book on goshawks..

Birthday wishlist

This is the only file you need  (opens in Google Earth) – – -> Google Earth file (.kmz)< – – –   Intro I put together this information after spending some time lost in the woods, trying to figure out where I was from topo maps or verbal directions. Many [...]

Raptor Nest Surveys   History 2015 Breeding failed, see the first posts below 2016 Egg #1 laid —> 1. April viewtopic.php?p=450693#p450693 Egg #2 laid —> 4. April viewtopic.php?p=451288#p451288 Egg #3 laid —> 6. April viewtopic.php?p=451925#p451925 Egg #4 laid —> 9. April viewtopic.php?p=452926#p452926 Egg #1 hatched —> 11. May viewtopic.php?p=465110#p465110 Egg #2 hatched [...]

European Goshawk Nest Camera

NA Goshawk NISSASA Kaiya Ninja Not the best, we’ll try to get her to sit still long enough   Ojay NoName [KGVID][/KGVID]     Nissassa-nest-building.avi

Breeding birds

I was having such a hard time uploading some files from my phone or tablet. I would get errors when upload sound files like .avi or .wav; when I was trying to add voice notes from  my phone to  a post or even uploading pictures taken from my phone. It was not [...]

Problems uploading specific file types

The project is very compact and uses a few components only. It can be implemented for several applications including air-conditioners, water-heaters, snow-melters, ovens, heat-exchangers, mixers, furnaces, incubators, thermal baths and veterinary operating tables. The project will help save energy/electricity. Circuit diagram of the temperature-based fan speed control and monitoring using [...]

Temperature regulation with Arduino