Daily Archives: March 26, 2017

3DR Solo Magnetic cell phone charger https://www.kwikcharger.com/products/copy-of-kwik-magnus-cable-2-1?utm_source=googleshopping&utm_medium=cse&gclid=Cj0KEQjwzd3GBRDks7SYuNHi3JEBEiQAIm6EIzQKIoFNq-v4y_ZRtdWTZu1lUnr9-9vopz25lIAEsBgaAmDd8P8HAQ Stuff for amazon echo Switches and light bulbs… Roof rack for truck Falconry stuff is always good Good book on goshawks..

Birthday wishlist

This is the only file you need  (opens in Google Earth) – – -> Google Earth file (.kmz)< – – –   Intro I put together this information after spending some time lost in the woods, trying to figure out where I was from topo maps or verbal directions. Many [...]

Raptor Nest Surveys